I know Christmas is just around the corner, and so many are focused on it and getting their handmade goods finished in time for the giving. I, too, am among those attempting to finishing up gifts. However, I want to take a moment for this month-the month Thanksgiving happens. I love Thanksgiving. I love how it's not about gifts or the harried rush of the holidays. Growing up, it's been about family and being thankful for what you have. Whether it be a large family or small....dinner for ten or just two, there is so much to be thankful for.
So, in honor of one of my favorite holidays, here is a simple list of things I am thankful for today:
-My husband. He loves me no matter what, even when I seem unlovable
-My small, yet fun family of three..plus our dog who is always entertaining
-My son who offered his whole entire savings in his soccer bank to put into our adoption fund
(I told him thank you, but maybe he can help mommy and daddy think of some other ways to contribute)
-That my husband and I are beginning the process of adoption. Yes, it's not something I have said much about, but it's very near to my heart. I am so very thankful my little family is so excited about the journey.
-My 81year old grandmother. She is one amazing woman still going strong. And she taught me to sew.
-My sister. There are friendships and there are sisters, but to have both is something special. Not to say those without sisters don't have very special friendships, I am certain they do. Just for me, my relationship with my sister is something I cherish.
-For our one car. I thought it would be crazy to just go to one, but it's been fabulous and we've gotten to spend some fun family time together getting to and from places.
I could go on, but I will stop at that for today. I want to know about you...what are some things you are thankful for this day?
What a great list and congrats on the staring the adoption process! That is wonderful!