Thursday, November 27, 2008


I did it. I conquered the turkey! I had never done a turkey before until this year. Not by myself anyway! But this year I did. We hosted Thanksgiving and it was wonderful.

We also made some fun little crafts I saw over HERE with the kiddos. We chose to make them completely out of felt.

This is one my niece did....completely by herself! She is really getting into the crafty thing and wants her Auntie Jaime to teach her more. I cannot tell you the warm fabulousness that gives me! Just a year ago she was content to watch. Now, she's asking to use the needle and thread on her own and I have to say, not too terrible for her first go at it.She loves anything to do with art and creating, so I am happy to encourage her! She says she wants a little sewing kit all her own so she can come for visits and make stuff with me. You betcha Mely!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy the quiet moments before the holiday rush....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Embroidery Hoopla!

There once was a very sad wall (that for the life of me I could not get a decent picture of being how the lighting was). It was blank and lonely.

It desperately needed something....poor, lonely wall above my bed. We recently repainted the master bedroom with a calm blue. We added some chocolate brown curtains and it all worked well together. However, what to do with that wall about drove me nuts!
Our beds headboard is lacking a little. Just straight and nondescript, really. I saw this one print of tulips at IKEA that seemed perfect, but I was afraid our room would look more like something out of their catalogue. Not that that's too terrible a thing, I just wanted something a little more personalized-ish. More us. More me?

I remembered seeing a fun idea here a while back, so I thought I'd give it a try.

I also had some fabric that I bought like four or more years ago ( wow!) that I had intended for another project that never came to fruition, so it sat in my stash waiting.....

Waiting for me to stop arranging the embroidery hoops I picked up at a newly opened Hobby Lobby just down the way from me. How convenient!

Then, Tada!

Another view. For the life of me, I could not get the pictures to take quite like the light in the room looked. I had to brighten them up a bit, but still does not do it justice. You can also see how blah our headboard is in this pic. However, now the wall is no longer lonely.

I only had the two prints to work with. I got five hoops and nothing else in my stash really worked well for the fifth hoop, so I took some natural linen I had and embroidered it with our initials. I know, so cheesy, but it works. And, I'm sappy like that. But it adds just the personal touch I was going for and it blends together just nice.

The embroidery hoops worked out well for this. Although, I have to say I would not have wanted to use them for actual embroidery. They were pretty rough and splintery. Good for this type of project though. And they were inexpensive enough to not break the bank dressing up a wall.

I think what I like best about this, is that I can change it out if I were to ever want to. For now though I will just enjoy the no longer lonely wall, with pretty fabrics now artfully displayed in embroidery hoops....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some Patchwork Fun

Boys. I love my son very much, but he sure can be hard on his clothes...especially pants!

See what I mean? Poor pants, they only made it one wear before this happened.

I was trying to think of something simple, but still fun that would work to patch these puppies up. I had some green corduroy hanging around begging to be used, that just do happened to already have some heavy duty iron on adhesive attached. So, I used it! I cut it into a star shape. Practical but still fun and still cool enough for a five year old to wear to school. Very important.

Tada! All patched up. However, being that it was a clear, round hole, I decided to cut another star out of some striped cotton I have. I placed that on the underside of where the corduroy star on the outside was placed. That way, they would fuse nicely without any sticky-ness happening and causing me to iron the first star to the backside of the leg. That would be no fun.

Here's a look at the inside of the pants leg. There was another tear just beginning, so I decided to try and head it off with another cotton I had with some fusible. Just ironed it on the underside there to hopefully keep the other hole from getting too far....yeah, good luck with that one! I'm sure it will need a star of it's own soon...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This Handmade Life

I have only given a little hint into our beginnings of the adoption process, but already some are taking notice! Jodi over of This Handmade Life was sweet and wonderful enough to not only feature my Little Shop, but some other fabulously talented Mamma's to be shops as well. The one thing we all have in common? Adoption.

So, if you're still in need of some holiday goodies, go check out her post and the delightful shops! What a great way to support handmade and adoption.

Also, don't forget to check out Jodi's etsy shop while you're at stuff!

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's a Thankful Time

I know Christmas is just around the corner, and so many are focused on it and getting their handmade goods finished in time for the giving. I, too, am among those attempting to finishing up gifts. However, I want to take a moment for this month-the month Thanksgiving happens. I love Thanksgiving. I love how it's not about gifts or the harried rush of the holidays. Growing up, it's been about family and being thankful for what you have. Whether it be a large family or small....dinner for ten or just two, there is so much to be thankful for.

So, in honor of one of my favorite holidays, here is a simple list of things I am thankful for today:

-My husband. He loves me no matter what, even when I seem unlovable
-My small, yet fun family of our dog who is always entertaining
-My son who offered his whole entire savings in his soccer bank to put into our adoption fund
(I told him thank you, but maybe he can help mommy and daddy think of some other ways to contribute)
-That my husband and I are beginning the process of adoption. Yes, it's not something I have said much about, but it's very near to my heart. I am so very thankful my little family is so excited about the journey.
-My 81year old grandmother. She is one amazing woman still going strong. And she taught me to sew.
-My sister. There are friendships and there are sisters, but to have both is something special. Not to say those without sisters don't have very special friendships, I am certain they do. Just for me, my relationship with my sister is something I cherish.
-For our one car. I thought it would be crazy to just go to one, but it's been fabulous and we've gotten to spend some fun family time together getting to and from places.

I could go on, but I will stop at that for today. I want to know about you...what are some things you are thankful for this day?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Matryoshka Love

There is no doubt about it. I simply love these types of little dolls.

These are some I made last year out of felt.

I hand embroidered the design in burgundy on an ivory background.

I had originally done the design to make some Matryoshka dolls to put up in my Etsy shop, but they never actually made it there. I still have plans to do so, just not sure when.

These are actually much smaller versions made into an ornament.

I really had a lot of fun making these. I have thought about putting together a pattern for them because they are so much fun to make and are also a nice addition to the tree. Or anywhere really you would want to place them. Who says ornaments can only be out during the holidays?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Little Bunny Foo Foo

While walking yesterday on some trails close by with the hubby and super silly siberian, we happened upon a bunny. Now, this might not seem so unusual being in a natural setting and all, but it was not the usual native Texas bunny that you would think you would happen upon!

As a matter of fact, it just hopped right on up to us, completely undaunted by the fact the my siberian husky desperately wanted to play with ( or chase ) it. It was not the slightest bit afraid and I just stood there and starred in awe that this VERY fluffy bunny was hopping around. There was another lady and her little girl close by. They came over to see the bunny....we all stood there wondering why this little fluffy bunny was just wondering a snake habitat area! Yes, not that it's there on purpose, but there is an area that is cautioned to be aware of snakes...eek! I thought the sweet little thing looked similar to an angora, but surely that couldn't be the case. Why in the world would an angora bunny be wondering around on the hike and bike trails! It obviously was not afraid of us, or the dog (still desperately wanting to bunny and was getting harder to hold back). So, we wondered who we should call?! The nice lady and her daughter had a phone and she said she would call someone. I mean, you can't just leave a sweet little fluffy bunny there now, can you?! No, of course not!

Obviously, I could not take the bunny home because my doggy would have, uhm, chased it into oblivion and I would have cried. It was hard enough trying to keep her from taking off after it while dragging her away from the sweet little bunny. I had faith that the nice lady would take care of it. After all, she had about a two year old with her that was completely fascinated with the fluffy bunny I nick named "bunny foo foo". Seriously it was fluffy!

So, on we went and later when I got home, I looked up angora......and there it was.....the same bunny we just saw. Well, a different one, but the same type. Oh, it made me sick to think about it. Poor little bunny foo foo was obviously someone's lost pet! There are some houses close by there, so that would explain how it was completely unafraid of us...and the dog. It's owners must have a dog. A big dog. I really hope the bunny foo foo and that nice lady made friends and that the fluffy bunny is okay and out of harms way. Because, ya know, it's not just any kind of bunny, it's an angora bunny!

Unfortunately, I have no pictures to show you of the fluffy bunny. I had no camera. I had no phone. Normally I at least have my phone. But nope, not this time.

Here's to you Bunny Foo Foo....hope you are safe and happy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Have You Seen Her?!

Get some holiday shopping for the little ones done! Starts this Friday!

Pass it on....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday, Monday...

A little something I am working on for my wonderful SIL. She asked if I could help her out with some "Days of the Week" towels, so I said SURE! Then she said she would need seven sets....I can do this I said, sure! So, I am. We tossed around some ideas and this is what we collaborated on together. She's excited, I'm excited and it's just gonna be great....once I finish them all!

Really though, they are not that terribly difficult. I decided to use a simple running stitch for the "days" part and we are adding fun fabric to the edge of the towel for each set. Fun, huh? Makes a unique and personalized gift I think.

So, that is just one project of a bazillion I have going on here at the moment. Tell me, is it REALLY November already?! Sheesh!