Yeah. It's been one of those kinda weeks....
I just had to share this though. Not only did God call us to adoption, He also has given our son a big squishy heart for orphans.
All on his own. It's just him. I love it.
We were going over what we were going to give/make for teacher gifts. We were also checking out a site you might have heard of called Reece's Rainbow.
Gah. My heart.
There was a boy that we learned about a while back. We knew we were not his family, but we knew we were to pray for this boy and his forever family.
We did and while we were in Russia, Jake and I decided to look up the site and see how this boy was doing. We were crazy happy thrilled when we saw that a family has come forward to adopt him and he was on the "my family found me page!".
So happy. We pray it continues to go well and he gets to be with his family soon.
Meanwhile...we spotted the Angel Tree page and checked it out. Then we saw something about Angel Tree dollars.
Oh yes. My boy was
And just to give a little story here: my son actually cried big, sincere tears over these children. Wept. In the hotel room as we looked at the dozens of pictures of these orphans. He said, "mom! we HAVE to do something!!! Can we just adopt ONE MORE?! Please?! They NEED us!".
Oh how my heart ached. We know we most likely will adopt again, but we need to settle with Sunshine first. In time...His time.
Meanwhile. I told him, "we cannot adopt them all baby. BUT, we can do something. We can pray for them. We can pray for their forever families to step up and take that leap of faith".
We chatted a bit more about how some are called to adopt and some are called to help. We talked about the Angel Tree and what it can do for these kiddos. He asked if that is what he could get for part of his teacher's gifts.
So we did. And made some peppermint bark I pinned of Pinterest.
Mine aren't nearly as pretty as these lovelies, but I couldn't find that snowflake mold to save my life! So, I did the basic old break-it-apart way. No matter...still tastes yum!
I packaged them up late last night and early this morning and got them ready for him to take to school. Then he thanked me for being such an awesome mom and doing all that.
I thanked him for being willing to do something for others.
I love children with big hearts!!