Friday, February 5, 2010

A Bit of Random and Fun...

So, let's lighten the mood after my last super emotional post, shall we?! I know this is supposed to be my "happy little craft" blog , but I also like to keep it real, as happy and blessed as my life truly is, sometimes we (meaning me here) need to be a little more transparent. I think it's all apart of my WORD this year too....another way to grow. :)


I went to IKEA tonight with the hubby and son. Right after we went to Fuddruckers where my son got to have a free kids meal because he earned it by reading six books. Fun stuff. I had a buffalo burger and I have to say it wasn't all that great. And I have actually had buffalo burgers before and rather enjoyed them, just something wasn't quite right with this one. However, it was a fun family time.

Then we trekked over to IKEA where the boy LOVES to go just so he can go play while we's almost like a mini one hour date I tell ya!

It was funny and frustrating. What I went there for was NOT there. NO where to be found. But, the other two things I wanted to look at were, one I bought (spent a whopping $5) and the other I liked seeing in person to purchase at a later date for the Chickadee.

Then, when we arrived home, tucked the boy into bed and settled in for a little blog reading, I found this:

I cannot remember which blog it was now, but I thought it was pretty funny since I had JUST been to IKEA. Fun I say.

So, check it out! What's your IKEA name?! Go here to find out.

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