Thursday, May 19, 2011

Adoption Auction

:::UPDATE::: We traveled in late May and are still collecting items for the auction. Hoping to have it up SOON!:::, here we have it. Facing the unknown once again and starting back at square one. We are soon to travel on our second trip to Eastern Europe, but it will be a like a trip one all over again.

::if you're new here and interested in the auction and would like to know more about our story, check our our adoption blog over HERE::

It's hard. And, at the same time I have hope. There is a glimmer. There is a child there waiting for us. And all the while, this has been the most difficult journey of our lives. To experience such loss and at the same time such hope...not sure how to really put it into words. I don't think I can.

What I can do is put an auction together. And I want to say a HUGE Thank You to those of you who've offered items to donate to our auction. You have no idea how much this means to us. An unplanned third trip is not exactly what we EVER thought would be happening.

With this unplanned trip comes many unplanned adoption expenses. Mainly travel. Travel is a giant chunk of the adoption expenses. This is where the adoption auction comes in!

We are planning to have the auction up and running by late June/early July. If you are wanting to donate an item or gift certificate (or the like), please let us know! You can email me at Jaime(at)littlebirdcreations(dot)com.

We have some great items donated so far, so I am really looking forward to getting this up and running!

Please help us spread the word about it! The auction will be set up on this blog.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

As some of you have heard through twitter and facebook, my family received some devastating news this week. We were supposed to be traveling this week to go bring our daughter home from Russia.

This is not what will be happening. Instead of re-writing it all on this blog, please go HERE to learn more about what happened.

Obviously, we are stunned and in disbelief. At the same time, we are still invited to travel to meet another child.

This is the hard part. How does one mourn such a loss and at the same time be willing to open their heart to another child? I am still not sure how my heart will be capable of this. What I do know is that God has not said no and we are to continue down this path of adoption that He is leading us on.

That being said....

This will now require us to make an unplanned third trip to Russia. A trip that we are not at all financially prepared for. This means we absolutely cannot complete this adoption without more fundraising. And this trip could be coming more quickly than we realize.

This is where we need your help. We need you to help spread the word via twitter, facebook...whatever means possible about an online fundraiser we would like to put together. We need donations of items to raffle.

Are you willing to donate an item? Do you have an Etsy (or other handmade) shop that you would be willing to donate something from or a gift certificate?

Please let me know! Just email me at jaime(at)littlebirdcreations(dot)com if you are interested.

Thank you. Thank you all that have already been supporting us in prayer and your kind thoughts and encouragement. This is an extremely difficult time right now and we need your thoughts and prayers more than ever.

Bless you!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just 203 To Go!

It's been a while since I have mentioned much about adoption fundraising, but this just might be my last post on it for a while. At least for our family. Yes, we plan to adopt again in the future, but right now we are focused on Songbird and the time is coming fast to when we finally get to bring her home.


We still have a puzzle to finish! I've mentioned it before and there are details about it HERE.

It's no secret that adoption can be costly. I haven't calculated it yet, but I'm pretty sure FedEx has received quite a chunk of it. Let's just say...sending paperwork over half way around the world (whether the size of a novel or just two documents) is pricey!

SO...if you don't mind helping to spread the word, we just have 203 pieces to go! We'd love to be able to finish it before we leave.

***Update: Now just 193 to go!***

ALSO....a little something extra for you! If you click above about the details, you will see that each piece can be sponsored for $5. I am also offering you another option! From now until May 12 (when LBC closes  shop until July) any purchase made at Little Bird will count towards finishing the puzzle! All you have to do is enter coupon code Songbird to receive 15% off your order and in the notes just tell me you'd like to be added to "the missing piece" to help finish the puzzle!

How does that sound?! Good? Hope so...I would love to be able to put as many names as possible to show our Songbird just how much so many care and love her.

Thank you and, if you would, please help spread the word around blog and twitterverse!