Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Strange and Scary Thing Happened...

It was a dark and stormy...err...early evening. Then it happened.


It sure happened alright.

On our way to church last night, while trying to beat the storm coming with gargantuan hail, we got stuck. Right on the highway, with a bunch of other poor people. As if the tornado watch wasn't enough.

My husband was driving, son in the back and I, like a good bloggy mom that I am, just happened to have my camera handy! So, I snapped what I could with the ear shattering sound of hail smashing about us.

This is what it looked like at just as it started:

Some that had smashed on the windshield...

Then it practically covered the road. Smashed and driven over.

And with the pea and marble sized stuff, came the huge boulders (k, not really, but sounded like it!) that helped to do this:

Here is just a glimpse at how big it was.

Not sure if it shows so well, but it was slightly larger than a golfball...and boy did it do some serious damage! We were lucky and my new windshield decoration, I now call the spider web, was the worst for us. That and some serious dents in the hood. There were other cars around us though that had their whole back windshields shattered.

Talk about scary! I am thankful we came away with no one injured or harmed. But my car now resembles a golf ball. :(

But, it could've been worse. Hope all are staying safe with any bad weather that might be around them!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Crafting With My Niece

The joy of having my niece come for a visit!

She seems to be following in the steps of her mother and auntie in the way of being creative. My sister (her mother), is super duper talented in the drawing category. She would never admit it though. But she is. I always remember my sister having pretty colored pencils and paints to draw about with when we were younger. And nice paper. Never was I let to use them, unless I would like my head handed to me! Being the little sister and all that I was/am. But I did get to enjoy the pretty pictures she would draw. Still have one she did for me. I need to get it framed.

Anyhoo, back to the visit from my delightful and clever little niece. During her spring break, she got to come over for two whole sleeps and her one and, very important, request was to do a sewing project with her auntie. Of course! I said. So we went about deciding what to do. She said something with a horse. She LOVES horses. And then she decided upon a pillow of some sort....with a horse. Naturally.

We went to the stash and she picked out some blue. Blue is her favorite color I came to find out. Previously it had been pink and purple. She chose a sweet little blue fabric quarter with some pink and white flowers splashed about on it. Then she picked out some pink felt for the horse.

Then we set to work tracing out a horse. She was excited about this process, but wished it could be faster. I don't blame her.

Once the horse was drawn, we had a pattern to work with. She got to learn how her Auntie Jaime goes about making appliques, which she thought was pretty cool. Then we cut it out and ironed it on to the fabric for the pillow. I showed her how to pin the fabric pieces together and tried my best to answer all her six year old questions of "why". I didn't mind....she wanted to learn! And I am happy to encourage the sewing bug.

Once all the pinning happened, the big moment came.....she got to use the sewing machine! A little nervous at first, but she did a great job. Thankfully they were all straight lines.

Then we stuffed the pillow.....

Here it is all finished. The only picture I could snap before she snatched it up and claimed she would never release it ever again.

I do believe she likes her first *using the sewing machine* creation.

And that is just fine with me.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ultimate Blog Party 2009!!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

Hi you!

Welcome to Chirpings of Little Bird, my little place in blog land where I ramble on about different crafty goings on and such. If you've been here before, welcome back! So glad you're here to visit again.

Come on in and enjoy the party.

If you are new to Chirpings, please take some time, look around and enjoy the party! So glad you're here!

Just a bit about me:

My name is Jaime.

I am a wife, mother of one and in the beginning process of bringing our next child home through adoption. We are very excited about it! We also have a beautiful siberian husky named Mona Lisa that is ever entertaining. I am a massage therapist by trade, however, I am not currently practicing. For the time being, I am having a blast being a mom. I also love designing and sewing and have a little biz on Etsy that helps keep my creative side going.

I won't keep you long, as there are some seriously awesome parties going on!

However, please enjoy some delish cupcakes (completely calorie free!) while you are here:

Also, there is some just brewed coffee awaiting you as well. Both with plenty of caffeine and, for those trying to cut back some, I have decaf as well.

OR there are some delightful IZZE drinks:


Sit back, enjoy the music, have some snacks and have fun! OH! and please leave me a comment so I know you were here and can come check out your party as well!

HAPPY UBP '09! Let's have a BLAST!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sweet Little Ones

I find I don't often get to make sweet, adorable little girl gifts lately. However, there has been quite a lot of baby girls arriving and still a few to come. The sweetness!

Having a boy, this type of thing is just not at all common around here...

I did a little something different this time around. I added some of these:

Now, I am a girly girl, but not too ruffly by any means. So, I did these ruffles with a little less frilly-ness. I think. Regardless, it was fun making them!

I also made a little "binky blanket" to go with it. Unfortunately I didn't snap a picture of it before I wrapped it up. Oh well .

Little baby fun!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Zippers and Bunnies

Isn't little Pinky cute?

Just a little glimpse of things to come....

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Little Spring Fling...

If you have a smidge of a minute, go over HERE and check out some seriously talented EtsyBABY folks and cast your vote for the EtsyBABY Spring Fling Challenge.

Fun stuff!

Be back next week with some more fun and crafty things....

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fun Little Feature

Have you heard of FaveCrafts? It's a great site full of fun things to make and do! While you're there, check THIS out too. It's a fun little tutorial I did of my version of freezer paper stenciling fun. Fun stuff! And I am so very honored they asked me!

Check it out and let me know whatcha think. And be sure to let me know if you try it out!

Happy Tuesday!