Monday, June 23, 2008

Freezer Paper Fun!

I have seen a lot of this around and thought I'd give it a shot. I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew freezer paper, an iron, paint and an x-acto knife were involved. So, after seeing what my crafty stash had, and what it didn't, I headed off to the craft store with the Monkey Boy. We picked up a couple plain shirts on sale (woohoo!) and some paint in the colors he was really wanting, since the stash at home did not have the colors he was looking for. Then, off home to draw some designs. 

This is how the first one turned out. Not too bad and it's since been washed several times and has held up pretty well. I picked up some fabric medium when at the craft store and mixed it in with the regular acrylic craft paint. Works great so far! We also made a lizard in addition to the lion seen here. 

I have to say, this was so easy and very fun for him to paint. Great kid/parent project. There are several blogs around blog land that have some tutorials on how to do this. Basically this is what I did:

-drew desired design on paper side of freezer paper. 
-cut it out with x-acto knife
-ironed it on with another piece inside the shirt as well to keep paint from bleeding through 
-mixed in fabric medium with paint according to directions on bottle
-let dry overnight and then heat set it with iron 

voila! Fun, simple shirt! 

Anyone else done this? Let me know how you have done it or any tips you might have. Fun stuff, huh?!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Simple Summer

K, wow, took a much longer bloggy break than I had intended! Well, didn't plan on taking one at all, sometimes life just happens and there leaves little room for blogging. But, that's okay cause I have been spending some much needed R&R with my family. This week though has been spent having tons of fun at VBS at our church! Super fun! Then after such a fun filled morning, we've been taking it easy, going swimming and just laying low. It's so hot outside, there really isn't much else to do. Too hot to play on the playground equipment or ride bikes unless it's earlier in the morning or later towards dusk. Even the pool water feels more like bath water it's been so hot. Ick.

Also, my camera is not working and I have so much I want to show you! I got a great treat in the mail from a giveaway I won a little bit back. And then there been some other fun kid friendly projects that involve freezer paper. Super fun! So, until the camera is working again and I can get some pics up of our fun events, I leave you with this more recent pic of my favorite budding photographer:

Hope you are having a simple and safe Summer so far!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bandana Pants!

::Welcome to my blog! This seems to be a popular page for those searching for bandana pants. However I invite you to check out the rest of my blog too to see what else is happening and for the occasional GIveaway!::

I found this great little tutorial over here for some super fun bandana pants. I went to Hobby Lobby and found some great bandana prints to use.

I might have gone a smidge overboard on the prints, but when you have the actual child that you are going to make them for with you, narrowing it down can be a bit overwhelming. However, I am loving the chili peppers!

I decided to change it up just a bit from the tutorial itself. Once you measure, cut and unfold, I decided to sew up each leg individually like so:

Then I turned one leg right side out, placed into other leg with right sides together...

Kinda like a tube. Does that make sense? Basically, looks like one leg. Pinned it, and sewed together. You can make a reinforcement stitch here if you'd like. Then, when you turn it back out, you should have something like this:

Tada! Then I turned down the top to make a casing, stitched that up and inserted the elastic. Super easy!

Voila! Chili pepper bandana pants!

Then, I couldn't stop there.....I made more!

These are how they look on the Monkey. A little long, kinda like ankle biters or samurai style pants. He likes them a TON!

Super comfy too.

I think what I like best about these is how they make seriously great play pants. Can do double duty as lounge pants too, no worrying about getting them dirty or how hard they play. Very inexpensive and SO easy! I think I had three pairs made up within one Veggie Tales showing.

Now, I wish I could have some nifty bandana pants!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Robots continued...

Shhh, don't tell him I took this picture.

Would you look at that serious concentration?!

This is what all that hard thinking produced. He begged me to let him *sew* a robot like I did for his pillow. After some thought (never sure about the boundaries with boys and sewing???) I agreed. I figured it couldn't hurt. He chose all the different colors. Fun, huh?! Now, I think this one shall get framed and hung in my studio.

Happy Wednesday to you!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I am Clogs, what are you?

You Are Clogs

You are a solid and down to earth person.

You seek and almost always achieve a really sound balance in your life.

You are stylish yet comfortable. Mellow but driven. Excited yet calm.

You are the perfect mesh of contradictions.

No matter what happens, you have the ability to stay well grounded in your life.

People know that they can truly depend on you.

You should live: In Europe

You should work: At a company dedicated to helping the world

I have to laugh at how 'contradictory' I am.....