Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Over the weekend....

I got married! Well, twelve years ago I did! :) {And yes, I married an Aggie. It's true. These are his buddies and freshman from the Aggie Band}

This is us now....TWELVE years later. Still the love of my life.

Cannot believe it's been twelve years. We've been best friends even longer. We were actually best friends for almost a year before we even started dating....18 whole years ago!

{gravy I feel old}

We met at age 15. Started dating at 16 and have been together ever since!

Ironically, the last TWO years of our anniversary were spent all wrapped up in the adoption. For our 10 year anniversary, we got THE call that we were traveling. Then for our 11th, we were literally in Russia, spending time with Sunshine {and our boy who was with us too!} and then got to go eat at a little cafe. I had crepes, he had pelmeni.

So, this year? We kept it super simple. We spent the actual day with our kiddos {honestly, the best thing ever!} and then at some friends for a bbq to remember the holiday weekend. Then, my love took me to my absolute favorite restaurant in Austin. Chez Zee. My husband claims if my personality were a restaurant, that this place would be it. I agree. Twinkle lights, vintage and eclectic mix of decor and colors....it's all very me! :)

Unfortunately, I do not have a pic of it. So sad. But if you're ever in the area, GO! It's awesome.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

One Year Later...

One year ago, I was here:

One year later...

{I posted over HERE today}

Monday, May 21, 2012

Oh Monday!

My little artist {Ok, not really....she likes to paint & color, but prefers legos & detailed building & analytical thinking more. I love her}

She gets SO into her art, it gets on her. A little on the paper, a little on her...
See? Blue Speckled face {there's more than the pic shows}

Right after I took this picture, she flung paint smack into her eye. It looked like pink eye, but blue.

Then she tossed some legos when they didn't do as she wanted.

Then the dog got into the cat's litter box. {I Know!} Gross.

And this was before Noon.

Oh Monday....

I need more coffee.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Things That Inspire

I've been working with a new craft medium of late. I've wanted to work with it some time, but was too chicken...which is odd for me since I'm mostly fearless with new methods and ways to sew and make things.

However, this latest was something a long time in the making. Growing up, my Gramms was a huge and constant woman of inspiration to me. She was the one that took me to church with her and showed me what a godly walk really looked like. I don't know if she ever knew the impact she had on my life, but it continues to this day.

This necklace? Very much inspired by my Gramms and  some good life lessons I've learned along the way in this roller coaster called life.

During our time spent together, she would always, always read her Bible. I remember one particular passage in the book of Matthew. In chapter 17, more specifically. It talked about faith of a mustard seed. I remember asking her a bazillion questions about it and being amazed at the tiny mustard seed. So tiny. And with faith even that small, such big things are so possible.

It still amazes me.

So, in honor of my Gramms, I introduce you to the Mustard Seed Pendant. They can be found HERE.

Happy Friday!